Gnome Invasion
Gnome Invasion Video 1
Copyright 2019 - All Rights Reserved
Number of players: 2 to 5
Ages: 10 and up
Introduction: A malevolent magic has befallen the gnomes. And, they want your home! Now, those pesky gnomes just keep coming... and some are more malevolent than others! Ay! Ay! Ay! They come during birthdays. They come during special occasions like weddings and holidays. And they come when you least expect it! Oh, what’s the world coming to? Your home is being invaded! It’s true! What can you do to stop the threat? Can you work with your friends and family to free your home of gnomes before it is overrun? Can you terminate the gnome invasion?
Objective: Gnome Invasion is a cooperative game where players will work together to purge their homes of gnomes before the gnomes spell GNOMES. Players must collectively cleanse 3 rooms for each player. Thus, if there are three players they must cleanse 9 rooms in order to declare victory. For example, in a three player game, one person could have 5 rooms, another 4, and another 0 as long as the total is 3 rooms for each player. 3x3=9
Of course, players will collectively lose if the gnomes spell GNOMES. You must not let this happen!